What is Juicing?
Today, juicing is the given name to a new nutrition method, in which you consume mostly vegetable juices. Sometimes it’s also called green juicing, since it contains lots of green vegetables and has the color green.
Juicing involves grinding, squeezing, or pressing fresh fruit and/or vegetables for their juice. It’s a modern term for a long-standing practice of pressing harvested fruits for quick access to their nutrients. This is where the natural liquids, vitamins, and minerals are extracted from raw fruits and vegetables, this process strips away any solid matter from the fruits and vegetables and you’re left with the liquid only. The liquid contains most of the vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals (phytonutrients) found in the fruit.
Many people use it to detox or add more nutrients to their diet. Avid juicers claim that juicing can improve nutrient absorption from fruits and vegetables, while others say it strips away their important nutrients like fiber.
Drinking fresh juice is an easy way to get a number of vitamins and minerals. Still, while research shows some support for juicing, the potential health benefits vary drastically depending on what’s exactly in the juice. If you’re not careful, you may end up drinking too many calories and too much sugar.
If you try juicing, make only as much juice as you can drink at once; harmful bacteria can grow quickly in freshly squeezed juice. If you buy commercially produced fresh juice, select a pasteurized product. The amount of nutrients in your juice can depend on whether the fruits and vegetables are grown commercially or organically. Cooking or pasteurization can also reduce the nutrients available in juice.
We all want what’s best for you.
To assist your way on the market, these reviews will tell you which are the best fruit and vegetable juicers for you and your budget! (This description is based on actual customer comments.)
Amzchef Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Extractor with Two 500ml Travel Bottles (2-Speed Modes)
Amzchef Slow Masticating Juicer Extractor Cold Press Juicer with Brush (Quiet Motor & Reverse Function)
Aeitto Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Machine with 900 ml Juice Cup
Jocuu Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Extractor with Brush and Recipes (Quiet Motor, Reverse Function and 2-Speed Modes)
Nutribullet Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Machine with Brush (Quiet Motor & Reverse Function)
AMZCHEF Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Extractor Machine with Brush (Quiet Motor and Reverse Function)
ORFELD Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Extractor
Aeitto Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer Extractor (Quiet Motor, Reverse Function and 2-Speed Modes)
Aeitto Slow Masticating Cold Press Juice Extractor with Brush (Quiet Motor, Reverse Function and 2-Speed Modes)
Omega Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer (365 Vertical Extractor)
Omega Slow Masticating Medium Medical Juicer (High Yield and Adjustable Dial)